My Board Exam Journey

Saw this Medtech Licensure Exam schedule guide I made last 2018. I realized, I reviewed for 50 days or less. This is exactly the timeline because a month after I graduated last May 31, 2017, I worked right away and resigned on January 24th the following year. So, that’s the time I started my review seriously. Yes seriously, because prior to this, it was so hard to juggle both works and review wherein I have to work at night and attend a review during the day. I got sick and stopped on my review classes. I cannot stop working since I have to save and I have a contract as well that time. When I resigned, I end up having a self-review instead.

I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the review materials I have from the review centre and my friends. I managed my time and tried my very best to follow the schedule I made.

1. YOU HAVE TO BALANCE AND PRIORITIZE TASKS. Yes, I still watched TV and helped in the household chores at that time. And I resigned from work because I cannot serve two masters at the same time.

2. IT IS BETTER TO ALLOT TIME FOR YOUR STUDY. I also cram because I have a very short time of review at that time. But do not cram most of the time. Remember, you do not study for the board exam only but for the profession, you will be entering hereafter.

3. STUDY SMART. Know what to study and discover your way of learning. As for me, I write, rewrite, learn and relearn. Yes, it seems tiring and time-consuming BUT I HAD FUN DOING IT. It is also important to put your heart and be happy with what you do.

4. HAVE ENOUGH SLEEP AS WELL. I slept less than 6-8 hours daily because I woke up in the middle of my sleep with anxieties and It wasn’t really good. And do not sleep too much. Set an alarm to wake up and start your day right and study again.

5. BE SYSTEMATIC AND ORGANIZED. This is up to you. As for me, I cannot start studying and find my focus without arranging my stuff first —this includes the notes that I have to rewrite with colour pens and highlighters.

6. CHOOSE YOUR REVIEW MATERIALS AND RESOURCES. I always read my undergrad notes first because I am already familiar with the topics written in it. Then, I utilized the review materials from the review centre and read from books on some topics I don’t really comprehend well. I also make my own notes and mnemonics to keep me sane and fun at the same time and carried it with me all the time even though I cannot read it during a family member’s birthday. Do not collect a lot of notes to the point that you will be reading only a few of them or some discussions are just redundant. It will only give you confusion on topics and which notes to read.

7. KNOW YOUR BEST TIME TO STUDY AND WHERE TO STUDY. I usually woke up around 2 to 3 in the morning even during my undergrad years to study, arrange my stuff, pray and get ready for the day. I cannot study well in cafes and library — there’s no place like home for me.

8. MAKE A SCHEDULE. Yes, you do not have to follow everything all the time. You can make adjustments but at least you have a flow and a reminder to keep you sane and on the right lane.

9. HAVE SUPPLEMENTS AND EAT PROPERLY. I guess this is not a problem since all of us are always eating while studying — the so-called stress eating. But please be mindful of the healthy foods and ways of eating as well.

10. PRAY BEFORE AND AFTER STUDYING. In all your ways, acknowledge Him. This is the most important above all else. Because numbers 1-10 and this, is not possible without Him. Have enough time also to reflect and talk with God to ease all your worries and anxieties. He knows your battle and your battle is not yours alone because you have Him. This is how I made it — I HAVE GOD ❤️

Just know when to study, relax, eat and sleep. Do not forget to bond with your family as well. It will really help you, promise ❤️

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight” -Proverbs 3:5-6

Disclaimer: This is based on my experiences and opinions only and may not be true to everyone since we all have our own styles of reviewing for an exam. I am only trying to help others who are having their hard times too and uplifting the spirit of our future Registered Medical Technologists.

“Let emotions from your heart and thoughts from your mind flow through your hands ✍️” ©️ All rights reserved|| ||Medical Technology


Dear Medical Technology

Photo from Pinterest

Dear Medical Techonology,

You make me love you even more since the time I entered this profession. You taught me the ability to see the beauty of our body chemistry and made me realize how amazing God created thee. It feels so honored and great to see God’s creation which is beyond our naked eyes. You are so amazing that you made me want to strive more to become an amazing RMT, myself.


Your Medical Technologist

“Let emotions from your heart and thoughts from your mind flow through your hands ✍️” ©️ All rights reserved || || Medical Technology


Happy Medtech Week

Medical Technologists or Clinical Laboratory Scientists are medical professionals that work hard to give better healthcare services to patients. Yes, not all people can see and understand our work because most of the time we are staying inside the laboratory processing batch of samples. We are the ones performing analysis of different body fluids and tissue that will aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the doctor.

Before I did not also understand the work of a Medtech, all I know was they will extract blood from patients and process urine samples only but it is more than that. Sometimes, I even call them nurses because they were clothed in white as well. They deal with all the body fluids’ tests, principles, techniques, and correlations. I did not fully understand before until I found myself on this path. And honestly, as I get to know more about Medical Technology upon studying, I fall in love with it.

Medical Technologists work hard even though the rate cannot suffice their needs or the needs of their families. They work hand in hand to release reliable results despite the toxic environment and an increasing number of specimen that needs to be processed. In a laboratory, there are sections or departments divided for the specimen to be analyzed according to the doctor’s request. It would be Hematology, Clinical Microscopy, Clinical Chemistry, Blood Bank and Serology, Microbiology, Histopathology and others may have Water Analysis, Molecular Lab, and Toxicology Department. One patient bears several tests that need to be analyzed and released within the turnaround time (TAT). Usually, TAT will be 1-2 hours and imagine how many patients every shift some of them are even requesting STAT or ASAP results because of the critical condition of the patient. Yes, some machines work with us but these machines still have to be calibrated and sometimes it goes out of control. So, we have to recalibrate and figure out, knowing that we cannot delay or cancel results. Though there are machines, not all are done through machines alone. It still needs an accurate and precise correlation of test results. Most tests are processed manually because the results are not normal, especially in hospitals wherein patients are seriously ill. And when we say manual, these are procedures that will need time, skill, and knowledge when it comes to the principles and theory, of a Medical Technologist only. These may involve complicated and thorough procedures that Medtechs learned throughout their course and experiences at work. Moreover, whether it’s done through traditional methods or machines, still, Medical Technologists will serve as the brain of the process. Thus, they are your body’s INTERNAL EYES of what is happening inside — to see the beauty of our body chemistry which is all beyond one’s naked eye. Not all diagnoses have relied on laboratory results but still, they play a very significant role in the diagnostic team.

Medical Technologists may look relaxed when you see them because they are inside a cold laboratory wearing their lab gown but they are functioning for 8 hours and sometimes 16 hours just to provide reliable results to patients. Promise, most of them are already exhausted and may not have taken their lunch yet but they work hard because they have the heart and passion to serve even though a lot of people still do not recognize and see their worth. You may not see them smile all the time because they are serious about dealing with the results of the tests but just approach them and they are surely kind.

So, if you see a Medtech or know someone studying BS in Medical Technology or Medical Laboratory Science, can you give them a microscope? Lol. Haha! Can you hug them, please? They long to have that, especially the students that fought hard to survive the course. It was never easy at all. It was a long rocky road indeed, literally. There are exams every day even right after discussions and several chapters to read among books for an exam the following day again and again. This is not an exaggeration but the whole truth. Trust me, I’ve been there and I cried bountiful times as well. So, like every healthcare professional, they also deserve all the appreciation and value.

You may not always see them but they are always behind your back whenever you need them. They all love you! So can you hug them and say HAPPY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST WEEK? They are all waiting for your love and appreciation.

Salute to all RMTs and I am forever proud to be one!

“Let emotions from your heart and thoughts from your mind flow through your hands ✍️” ©️ All rights reserved || || Medical Technology